Samstag, 22. Dezember 2007

Usefulness in a Post

Use email addresses for throw-away site registrations
Temporary Inbox

"An interview is not a dialogue. The whole point of the interview is to get the narrator to tell her story. Limit your own remarks to a few pleasantries to break the ice, then brief questions to guide her along.
Start with questions that are not controversial; save the delicate questions, if there are any, until you have become better acquainted.
Do not challenge accounts you think might be inaccurate. Instead, try to develop as much information as possible that can be used by later researchers in establishing what probably happened.

"Off the record" information is only useful if you yourself are researching a subject and this is the only way you can get the information. It has no value if your purpose is to collect information for later use by other researchers.

Don't use the interview to show off your knowledge, vocabulary, charm, or other abilities. Good interviewers do not shine; only their interviews do. "

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