Donnerstag, 15. Mai 2008

Sitting on a high horse: An eye on Luddites and the resistance movement

"A Neural Interface is any type of data link between the human nervous system and an external device, such as an electronic or hybrid computer or machine. Such links allow the transmission of information to and from the human nervous system to the external devices. Bioelectric signals are obtained from the body or brain via implanted electrodes or computer chips and are converted from an analog to a digital format."/"Forced Neural Interfaces in prisons will likely replace medication and rehabilitation therapy. Our mind is the last safe place on Earth, and now even that is under attack. Power to the Resistance!"
"Fellow Patriots, DO NOT SURRENDER UNDER MARTIAL LAW! Do not surrender to the WORLD`S SATANISTS! You will only lay down your weapons and surrender yourselves to brutal torture, your daughters to be raped and sodomized and sacrificed by Satanists, and worse. It is time to lay down your lives for your nation, your religious freedoms and heritage and the very future freedoms of the coming generations. "//final inquisition
"World wide, The Resistance has been growing as the Illuminati ushers in their New World Order.
The Orwellian Police State Beast system is currently being implemented.
Now is the time. We must resist! "//The Resistance Manifesto
"Unlike anarcho-primitivists, someone labelled a neo-Luddite might not consider technology itself to be evil, though they may believe that many technologies influence human nature in a way that degrades the overall quality of human existence. However, most commonly neo-Luddites oppose the rapid adoption of technology by society on the grounds that such development's negative effects on individuals, society or the planet outweigh its benefits."//wiki/Neo-Luddism

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