Montag, 4. Oktober 2010

Alternative Energie Verknüpfung

Vollversorgung mit erneuerbaren Energien bis 2050

Abc : Ein Alphabet zu alternativen Energieformen

Solarprodukte: Sinnvoll für Afrika

Wir geben weltweit praktische Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe!

Denn geeignete Solarkocher

Die Idee ist gut: Solarenergie nutzen, Umwelt schonen, Gewinn machen. Warum geht ein solches Projekt schief?

Klimaschutz und Entwicklungshilfe
Help setzt erneuerbare Energien z.B. beim Bau von solargesteuerten Trinkwasserpumpen ein und vermindert so unnötige CO²-Emmissionen.

Mitmachen bei der Energiewende

100% Erneuerbare bis 2050 sind machbar, wirtschaftlich, sozial und zukunftsfähig.

Greenpeace und EREC legen globales Energiekonzept vor

Mit Sonnenenergie erfolgreich in die Zukunft

Energiekonzept der Bundesregierung ist eine Initiative deutscher Handwerkskammern.

Deutsches Solarfirmen-Verzeichnis

Montag, 13. September 2010

You trusted far too much in serene sky and calm sea


Bad Apples in a Rotten System

Corporation: n. An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility. Ambrose Bierce, 1842-1914.

"Corporations are the dominant force in modern life, surpassing even church and state. The largest are richer than entire nations, and courts have given these entities more rights than people."//Gangs of America

"The Borg is all one being made up of lesser beings, a cyborgian fusion of man and machine that assimilates individuals, over riding their free will and turning them into mindless components of an artificial Archon."//John Shirley

"People have been simply exercising the power we have within ourselves to live more simply for the sake of our own physical and spiritual health and the health of the Earth and other living things."//commondreams

"We envision a society where all people live in economically and environmentally healthy neighborhoods. Clean air, land and water are recognized as fundamental human rights. Meaningful employment honors a worker’s right to dignity and a living wage with benefits. Effective public transportation and land-use planning connect people to the resources, opportunities and services to thrive. Affordable housing provides a healthy and safe home for all. And quality education prepares visionary leaders to strengthen our democracy with new ideas, energy and commitment."//UrbanHabitat

"Bioneers are social and scientific innovators from all walks of life and disciplines who have peered deep into the heart of living systems to understand how nature operates, and to mimic "nature's operating instructions" to serve human ends without harming the web of life. Nature's principles—kinship, cooperation, diversity, symbiosis and cycles of continuous creation absent of waste—can also serve as metaphoric guideposts for organizing an equitable, compassionate and democratic society. "//Bioneers

Humanity Incorporated

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it..."//Joseph Goebbels

Sonntag, 10. Januar 2010

Pink Slime to diminish carnivore harm

"Most American consumers may not know what BPI[R] (Beef Products Inc.) Boneless Lean Beef Trimmings are, but this lean, low-fat, and flavorful ingredient is key in producing a range of lean, high-quality, cost-effective products millions of American consumers enjoy every day including fresh and frozen hamburger patties, taco meats, low-fat hot dogs, beef stick snacks, and sausage, just to mention a few. BPI[R] Boneless Lean Beef Trimmings are found in most ground beef made in the United States."//allbusiness

"To make a long story short: Beef Products buys the cheapest, least desirable beef on offer—fatty sweepings from the slaughterhouse floor, which are notoriously rife with pathogens like E. coli 0157 and antibiotic-resistant salmonella. It sends the scraps through a series of machines, grinds them into a paste, separates out the fat, and laces the substance with ammonia to kill pathogens."//grist

"Mechanically deboned poultry and this ammonia treated beef are processes that increase the amount of meat for people to eat without increasing the number of animals that are killed."//scienceblogs

"Half the water consumed in the U. S. goes to irrigate land growing feed and fodder for livestock. Huge amounts of water are also used to wash away their excrement.

U. S. livestock produce twenty times as much excrement as does the entire human population, creating sewage which is ten to several hundred times more concentrated than raw domestic sewage.

Animal wastes cause ten times more water pollution than does the U. S. human population; the meat industry causes three times as much harmful organic water pollution than the rest of the nation's industries combined."//chow